BREAKING NEWS just wanted to add in here that Q2ID v5.5 for Macintosh or Windows also has Lion or 10.7 Mac OS support added. Adobe InDesign for Mac Q2ID (Quark To InDesign) for Mac. indd - at least that's what i read around the web is my ONLY solution. Q2ID v5.5, which works within CS5.5 or CS4 or CS4 will allow you to convert your QuarkXPress 9, also newly added, and lower Quark files, right into Adobe InDesign. If you want to convert QXD to INDD, you will find a list of programs that will help you carry. I should then be able to open it in ID and save it again as. It provides a quick, easy and affordable method for you to. You will see the processing dialog window while your QuarkXPress document is being converted into a new InDesign document.

Navigate to and choose the QuarkXPress document that you would like to open in Adobe InDesign and then click the Open button. Therefor I'm looking for someone that might have the software lying around and would be willing to get my file (I've put it up on a ftp-server) change it into a quark-file and return to me. Q2ID v5.5 (QuarkXPress to Adobe InDesign) is an Adobe plug-in for InDesign CS4, CS5 & CS5.5. To Open a QuarkXPress file in InDesign using Q2ID, choose the Convert QuarkXPress menu item from the Markzware menu in Adobe InDesign. My problem is now this: There's no trial version availible of ID2Q and since I'm a student with empty pockets I can't afford to by the software for the aprox. I've heard that Markzware have made an extension program for Quark Express 8 (which i have just downloaded in trial) called ID2Q that makes Quark open ID-files.

I've figured out that this error could be because I've been copy pasting big images into the ID-document instead of using Place (silly me). I'm getting the notorious (and rare) "error 5"-message. I have a very important InDesign-file (CS5) that's been toasted. Or you could simply purchase the Q2ID plug-in to extend InDesign’s functionality, and make your life so much easier. Sure, that’s one solution (assuming you own QuarkXpress v5). After using Quark Xpress for almost ten years, I switched to InDesign in the early. But I really don't know if this is he place to get it (maybe you can point me in the right direction?). To convert documents created with QuarkXpress 5.0 or later, Adobe suggests that you reopen the documents in QuarkXPress and save them in 4.0 format.