
Monster hunter rise weapons tier list
Monster hunter rise weapons tier list

This signature weapon of Monster Hunter is just as useful as ever in Rise. This counter can be comboed into up to three Spirit Blade attacks, which can immediately turn a fight’s momentum. Upon activation, any enemy attack that connects with the player will trigger an immediate counterattack. The most useful addition to the Long Sword’s moveset in Monster Hunter world is the new Serene Post ability. Used correctly, players can constantly punish monsters while never taking a scratch. Its primary advantage is that some of its key moves allow players to dodge and immediately counterattack. The Long Sword is easy to use, but difficult to master. This means multiple buffs can be cast as part of one combo, which makes it much easier to use the Hunting Horn as a solo weapon. The new Magnificient Trio melody now allows players to get the effects of all stored notes instantly. For example, players can just tap A+A at any cadence to activate the Attack Up XL buff. Now, notes are automatically played with a button press with no tempo requirements. The Hunting Horn is an immensely useful weapon type that used to have a steep skill curve. Monster Hunter Rise didn’t change the way this weapon works significantly, but its new Silkbind Attack does give an effect that makes the player immune to getting knocked back or flinching, which can make a huge difference if performed at the right time. Because of its versatility, the Switch Axe is excellent for solo players.

Monster hunter rise weapons tier list